Most people are well versed on the fact that they need to stretch their hamstrings, and some people regularly stretch their quads and hip flexors (the muscles along the front of the leg and hip), but few people – save for elite athletes and dancers, really – dig into their adductors.
The adductor muscles are the big ones along the inner thigh. They are an entire group of muscles unto themselves, separate from your quads and hamstrings. Although, tight adductor muscles WILL restrict your range of motion and make it hard to get really flexible in either your hamstrings or quads, so if you stretch constantly but aren’t getting anywhere, try working your adductors a little more.
Also, these muscles have fascial connections deep inside the pelvis that can pull on the lumbar spine, causing low back pain and, yes, even neck pain! It’s one of the areas that I consider a gold mine when I’m working with anyone who has pain in their hips and back.
So, if you want to increase your hip flexibility, or you are looking to alleviate back and hip pain, try this easy dynamic stretch. It’s basic enough for even a beginner to try, so don’t worry if your hips feel locked up like they’re bound with steel cables! They’ll loosen in time.
Go for it!
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