One of the best things you can do to calm your frazzled nervous system is to start to notice the felt sense of feelings.
Usually when people talk about emotions, they’re intellectualizing them — not actually experiencing them.
How do you know what you’re feeling?
How do you know that you are angry or sad or happy?
I’ll tell you what, it’s not in your brain.
Your body tells you what emotions you are having and then your brain labels them.
But often we get stuck in PAST emotions that we never fully processed, or we get triggered by current circumstances that cause us to have knee jerk reactions based on past experiences.
Neither is ideal because neither is living in the present moment.
You can only experience sensations in the here and now.
Tapping into felt sense gives your body a way to discharge old, blocked stress, trauma and emotions that have become part of our conditioned responses.
Most people haven’t spent a lot of time consciously noticing their bodies, save for when they’re in too much pain or discomfort to ignore.
Learning to pay attention to felt sense — the physical sensations of an emotion — takes a little practice but it’s not difficult or complicated.
Simply put your attention on an area of your body that seems connected to the emotions you’re experiencing.
And describe what you feel.
Is it heavy or light?
Big or small?
Sharp and angular or round and smooth?
Does it have a color?
Does it feel pleasant or unpleasant?
That’s seriously all it takes to start tugging apart the threads of stress and trauma that live in your body and hold you back from being the person that you truly want to be.
If you’d like to learn more about this, I’ll be sharing more about tools like in a FREE class this Friday:
How To Release The Emotional Roots Of Pain And Tension In Your Body
You’ll learn the three core skills required to finally let go of old traumas, blocked emotions and limiting beliefs that are holding you back by causing pain and tension and zapping your energy.
(Yes, it’s free.)
Sukie’s teachings are exactly what l need! I’ve been disconnected from my body my whole life. I’m 56 and ready to embrace myself, body, soul and mind. Thank you, Sukie, for your virtual work in bringing healing knowledge to all beautiful humans!