Do you want that ache in your back to just up and disappear?
I’ll tell you how to make it go away…but first, did you know that only about 20-30% of back surgeries succeed?
That means that 70-80% of them FAIL leaving patients the same OR WORSE than they were before the operation. And according to spine surgeon David Hanscom, there is often no direct correlation between physical dysfunction and pain levels.
So, what do we do about that?
Well the good news is that non-surgical, drug-free approaches which focus on breaking neural habits are extremely effective. People who use this approach not only get rid of their pain, they are often happier and find life more fulfilling afterward.
But there is a catch. You have to be willing to take charge of your own healing process. You cannot outsource this to a doctor or a physical therapist or massage practitioner.
You have to be willing to do the work to become someone new. Because you can’t be the same old person and hope your pain will go away. You have to rewire your nervous system, and that requires change.
If this is a challenge you’re up for, I’ll be opening the doors to my signature program that helps you to heal your body and move pain free again shortly.
Head on over here to put your name on the waitlist so you can get notified as soon as doors open.
Hi, when does the program open again?
This looks like a wonderful program